All About Bonding
There are two types of Bonding: Ionic Bonding and Covalent Bonding. Ionic Bonding is when atoms give up electrons in order to reach the octet, or the noble-gas configuration. The Noble-Gas Configuration is when all the other elements, except the noble-gases, try to achieve the noble-gas configuration by filling or fully emptying there valence shell in order to be just as stable as the noble-gases. Covalent Bonding is the opposite. It occurs when electrons are shared between atoms through overlapping and hybridizing orbitals. There are many types of covalent bonds. There are Single Covalent Bonds, Double Covalent Bonds, and Triple Covalent Bonds, which just decide how many pairs of electrons are shared. i.e. A single covalent bond would share one pair of electrons while a double would share two pairs. Another type of a covalent bond is the Coordinate Covalent Bond. In this, one atom provides both electrons in a shared pair. For example, when adding one carbon atom with one oxygen atom, a coordinate covalent bond occurs. Carbon gives two of its electrons to oxygen thus forming a double bond. Oxygen now has an octet, but carbon doesn't. To give carbon an octet as well, oxygen lent one of his pair of electrons to carbon. So when carbon and oxygen come together, they form a triple bond, and a coordinate covalent bond. Covalent compounds exist only as molecules, which are neutral groups of atoms joined by a covalent bond. Each element on the periodic table has an electronegativity value. Electronegativity is the ability of an atom to attract electrons. The strongest is Fluorine with a electronegative value of 4.0. The higher the number, the higher the possibility of the atom to attract electrons. If the value is low, like Cesium with 0.7, it would rather lose electrons than attract. Ionic and Covalent Bonding are different from Ionic and Covalent Compounds. An Ionic Compound is formed when a metal and a non-metal combine, while a Covalent Compound is when 2 or more non-metals bond together. Crystallization, when ions bond together to form crystals and formula units, also occurs in ionic compounds. Crystallization is simply many formula units of ionic compounds coming together. 

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